Wednesday, April 19, 2006


連日來睇左幾樣野, 發覺而家電腦或是網頁都發展得好快, 說真的...我跟不上 ~_~"

話說前幾日同小ken飯局, 傾開網頁發展先知原來有個叫"Ajax"既物體, 一聽時完全不知是啥,再傾先知原來自己一路有用開, 例如gmail, blog 就係我日日都接獨到既, 而身為一個designer, 而且用左咁耐,到今時今日先知有樣咁野...真係...唉...

再講, 當我問meco知唔知呢樣係咩既時候, 佢話已經研究中, 而且係研究一樣叫"ROR"既野(更加唔知係咩 = =")meco話ROR其中一樣技術係用到 Ajax 既, 而且ROR仲唔係間間 Hosting 公司都 support添, 而我就真係好好好好想學 Ajax, 因為我都覺得佢來緊會係大熱!

而另一件, 就係我見到雜誌報導, Mac免費提供「Boot Camp」比用戶,好讓用戶可以係 Mac 度裝 Windows XP @_@" 而小弟有一問題, 我只係知 Mac 機外型靚, OS X 型, 但....我唔明我點解要用多一倍價錢買一部 Mac 來裝 Windows 呢?? 錢多 ?? 定係有我唔知既因素 ??

我只係得出一個結論: 我無知 ^_^"


慧♥ⓦⓐⓘ♥豬 said...

大伯..你個 e-mail 真係唔知咩事呀!

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
This message has been rejected because it has
a potentially executable attachment "FWD_attachment.eml"
This form of attachment has been used by
recent viruses or other malware.
If you meant to send this file then please
package it up as a zip file and resend it.



龍井茶葉 said...

冇問題, 去啦去啦 ^_^

慧♥ⓦⓐⓘ♥豬 said...

咁樣我點 send 到 mail 俾你呀?
我都唔識 zip 左先 send 出去..
我全部都係 forwrad 架...
咁你冇得收囉...我 send 俾大伯娘啦